Tag: Performance

Node 20 gets faster, approaches LTS status

October 3, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Honey, I Shrunk the npm Package! — Compression sits under the hood of everything on the modern Web, including npm packages (distributed as gzipped tarballs). Could the standard gzip approach be showing its age in both speed and effectiveness? Jamie runs a package through a…

Who forgot about React Forget

September 27, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Upgrading Frontend Dependencies with Confidence — Tests often provide a way to see if the logic in our apps isn’t working the way we expect, but what about if a frontend component is rendering incorrectly? Visual regression testing to the rescue! Sébastien, well known for…

Polyfills gone rogue

September 26, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

GitHub Actions Could Be So Much Better — GitHub Actions provides a fantastic and useful service, but the developer experience leaves a lot to be desired, particularly when debugging them. If you’ve been frustrated with figuring out Action and setting up your own workflows, you’ll…

Explaining why React re-renders

September 6, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

👋 If you didn’t receive any issues recently, we were on vacation.. but we’re back! It’s been a quiet summer for the React world, though, so catching up won’t be too tricky – let’s get moving.. 😉__Peter Cooper and the Cooperpress team Astro 3.0 Released — Astro…

Figuring out if you should use React Server Components

August 2, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

Understanding React Server Components — If you’ve struggled to get your head around the ideas involved with React Server Components, and Dan Abramov’s ‘let’s recreate RSCs from scratch’ went a little too deep, this is a good, high-level explanation of the fundamentals that explains what…

The Node.js best practices list gets a 2023 update

July 25, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

The Node.js Best Practices List: 2023 Edition — A valuable, long standing resource has been “modernized to 2023 standards” (complete with recommendations of more modern libraries) with lots of work by creator Yoni and an ever growing team of contributors. The topics remain the same,…

Demystifying React Server Components

July 12, 2023 By Mark Otto 0

The React Graph Gallery — Live demonstrations of a vast array of different charts and graphs built with React and D3.js, complete with explanations and code you can take away to reproduce them for yourself. Particularly striking examples include Sankey diagrams, treemaps, and correlograms, but…

Microsoft shrunk the TypeScript

May 25, 2023 By Mark Otto Off

DeviceScript: TypeScript for Tiny Thingamabobs — DeviceScript is a new Microsoft effort to take the TypeScript experience to low-resource microcontroller-based devices. It’s compiled to a custom VM bytecode which can run in such constrained environments. (A bit like Go’s TinyGo.) It’s aimed at VS Code…