Is Prisma Better Than Your ‘Traditional’ ORM? — Prisma has become a very popular Node project in recent years and boasts being a ‘next generation’ ORM. The creator of the Practica Node starter app considers here if Prisma makes sense as a universal ‘go to’ ORM to use for most projects.. in short, no, but it’s a solid choice depending on the use case.
Yoni Goldberg
✍️ It must be the week to think about Prisma, because Jack Pordi has also written up his notes on using Prisma in production. He takes a balanced view seeing it as a solution with both pros and cons.
40+ Node.js Integration Test Best Practices — Component/integration tests are an increasingly popular testing technique for backends. This repository digs into a variety of quick-fire patterns and practices for creating good component tests. There’s also a demo app and examples using Jest, Mocha, Express, Fastify and Nest.js.
Yoni Goldberg, Michael Solomon, and Daniel Gluskin
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