The parallel evolution of React and Web Components

October 16, 2024 By Mark Otto 0

✏️ We’re back! Though only for a single week, as we’re taking next week off too. So we’re back again on October 30 but will then be going all the way through to Christmas 🙂
Your editor, Peter Cooper

React Folder Structure in Five Steps, 2024 Edition — The latest result of Robin’s efforts at updating his popular posts to 2024 standards. Articles about structuring React apps are always popular; this one breaks the idea down to five steps going from the simplest of apps to more complex ones. Bulletproof React is also worth a look if you need something broader.

Robin Wieruch

Implementing Clean Architecture in Next.js — Learn how to make projects testable and debuggable, independent of UI, framework, database, and external dependencies with the concept of Clean Architecture. Join us live on November 4th.


How to Implement a ‘Drag to Select’ Mechanism — Josh wanted to implement drag based selection to make bulk operations easier for end users. It was harder than he thought, but he’s done a great job explaining every step of his approach.

Josh Wootonn

▶  How React Router v7 Became Type-Safe — An overview of the soon-to-be-released React Router 7, why recent type-safety improvements are both exciting and useful, as well as some live demos.

Alem Tuzlak

How to Drag and Drop in React — Drag and drop is a basic UI expectation in many scenarios. Robin, always a well-regarded instructor, walks though the creation of a drag and drop capable component, step-by-step.

Robin Wieruch

🛠  Code, Tools & Libraries

Introducing Storybook for React Native 8.3Storybook is a popular frontend component workshop, most commonly used with React, but it’s had a React Native variant for a while now, which is finally fully up to speed with the features of the standard Storybook.

Michael Shilman

Jeasx: A Lightweight SSR Framework That Uses JSX — A new server-side rendering framework built on top of JSX and Fastify. It doesn’t use React, but if you want to keep using JSX while keeping your server side lightweight, it’s an option. The JSX functionality is provided by the author’s jsx-async-runtime package.

Maik Jablonski