Migrating from Enzyme to React Testing Library — The folks at Sentry spent 16 months converting their component tests (involving 803 test suites in all) from Enzyme to RTL and tell the whole story of why, plus the unforeseen challenges they encountered, here.
Priscila Oliveria and Scott Cooper (Sentry)
Next.js 13.2 Released — The popular batteries-included React framework takes a few steps forward in the areas of SEO support (via a new Metadata API for defining SEO-relevant metadata in layouts and pages), custom route handlers, an improved error overlay, and beta releases of statically typed links, Turbopack improvements, and Next.js Cache for progressive ISR and faster re-deploys.
Neutkens, Lai, et al.
‘React Is Holding Me Hostage’ — A bit of an over-the-top title, but the pseudonymous author feels it’s time: “Under protection of this new found trendiness in React displeasure, I’d like to finally say my piece” and spends many words and code examples expressing said displeasure while admitting React is here to stay.
Modularizing React Applications with Established UI Patterns — This post began as the first in a promised series of posts, but has instead gotten longer each week! It’s now quite a significant, practical look at applying UI patterns to React apps to improve organization and maintainability.
Juntao Qiu
???? Code and Tools
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Find React Jobs with Hired — Hired makes job hunting easy-instead of chasing recruiters, companies approach you with salary details up front. Create a free profile now. Hired