Two new libraries from Sindre Sorhus

September 3, 2024 By Mark Otto 0

Node.js Weekly

Node v22.8.0 (Current) Released — This landed just before we hit ‘send’! 🙂 The enhancements are minor, but there are a few, including a new API for enabling on-disk code caching of modules (rather than using the NODE_COMPILE_CACHE env var) and a way to set required thresholds for code coverage measurements.

Rafael Gonzaga

Front-End System Design — Learn to create scalable, efficient user interfaces in this extensive video course by Evgennii Ray. Explore the box model, browser rendering, DOM manipulation, state management, performance and much more.

Frontend Masters

▶  Talking Deno 2 with Ryan Dahl — A chat with Deno creator Ryan Dahl (originally Node’s creator too) about the forthcoming Deno 2.0, its new features, and how it seamlessly integrates with popular frameworks like Next.js. Ryan shares insights on the motivations behind Deno’s creation, its emphasis on simplicity and security, and offers his take on the evolving JavaScript ecosystem.


▶  Behind the Scenes: The Making of VS Code — A detailed conversation with two of the principal engineers who work on the engineering team of the popular Electron-powered editor.

Holland, Rieken and Pasero (Microsoft)

🛠 Code & Tools

yocto-spinner: Tiny Terminal Spinner — Fresh from the one-man module powerhouse that is Sindre Sorhus comes a new project: a tiny, as simple-as-possible terminal spinner/progress control. (‘Yocto’ is a metric prefix that sits below nano, pico, femto, atto, and even zepto..)

Sindre Sorhus

Light My Request: Fake HTTP Injection Library — Injects a fake HTTP request/response into a Node HTTP server for simulating server logic, writing tests, or debugging. Doesn’t use a socket connection so can be run against an inactive server (server not in listen mode).
