Vite 3, or in French: quick, quick, quick.

July 15, 2022 By Mark Otto Off

CKEditor 5 Is Here to Make Collaborative Writing Easy β€” A customizable rich text editor that allows you to build collaboration within your application in hours. Ready-to-use features like comments, track changes, real-time collaboration, version history and many more. Start your free trial to implement it now.

CKEditor 5

Node-RED 3.0 Released β€” Node-RED is a popular Node.js-based low/no-code programming environment heavily used in the IoT space (though not exclusively). v3.0 requires Node 14+ and includes numerous UI/DX enhancements. Well worth a try if the idea of visually joining together logical components appeals to you.

Nick O’Leary


  • It’s early days for Bun (featured last week) but there’s already an awesome-bun list of curated resources for it.

  • πŸ“† EmberFest, a European Ember.js conference, is taking place in Paris this September 22–23.

  • We only mentioned Vue 2.7 a few weeks ago, but ▢️ is Vue 2 dead?, asks Erik Hanchett who brings us up to speed with what’s going on Vue-side.


Ember 4.5 – The productive, battle-tested framework.
Preact 10.10 – Fast 3KB React alternative.
pkg 5.8 – Package a Node app into an executable.
React Big Calendar 1.4 – Google Calendar-esque component.
AdminJS 6.0 – Node.js admin panel system.

πŸ“’ Articles & Tutorials

Statements vs. Expressions β€” If you were put on the spot and asked to describe the difference between a statement and an expression in JavaScript, would you have a good answer? If you’re not entirely sure, this is a good refresher on what’s involved.

Josh W Comeau

Testing Bun’s Speed and Compatibility with Node.js β€” David decided to put Bun through its paces to see how it would fare with a real world app vs Node.js. Unsurprisingly for an app with real world pressures (file system, network, et al.) the difference in performance was minor, but he was impressed at how seamlessly it worked.

David Herron

Applying SOLID Principles in React β€” The so-called SOLID object oriented design principles have stood the test of timeβ€”they were first introduced by Robert Martin in 2000. Although much has changed since, they are still valid and can be valuable when applied in React apps.

Konstantin Lebedev

πŸ›  Code & Tools

Luxon 3.0: Library for Working with Dates and Times β€” If you’re familiar with something like Moment.js, it’s like that but with immutable objects, 1-indexed months, Intl-powered localization (so no locale or timezone files needed!) and more.


NestJS v9 Released β€” Nest is a TypeScript-based server-side framework for when you need a more fleshed out and complete platform to work on (or get support from) than straight Express, say. v9 introduces a handy REPL, a configurable module builder, durable providers, and more.

Kamil Mysliwiec


Commander.js 9.4 – Node.js CLI app library.
eruda 2.5 – Web console for mobile browsers.
Tedious 15.0 – TDS module for connecting to SQL Server.
mux.js 6.2 – Utilities for inspecting video container formats.

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired β€” Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.