What’s new for us in ECMAScript 2024

July 25, 2024 By Mark Otto Off

Astro 4.12: Say Hello to Server Islands — The flexible Astro framework for building modern content-based sites continues to go from strength to strength. v4.12 includes a new concept of server islands, a way to integrate static HTML and server-side generated components together.

Erika and Phillips (Astro)

What’s New for JavaScript Developers in ECMAScript 2024 — High level analysis of developments in the ECMAScript spec, with insights from Ecma vice president Daniel Ehrenberg, TC39 co-chair Rob Palmer, and developer Ashley Claymore. A good, thorough roundup of the state of play.

Mary Branscombe (The New Stack)

💡 If you want to go a step further with what’s coming up next, Igalia presents a summary of the recent TC39 meeting in Helsinki with which language proposals were advanced and discussed.

Level Up Your Next.js Skills — Join Scott Moss for this detailed video course on intermediate Next.js. Learn how to build production-ready apps by diving into concepts such as server actions, data fetching, protected routes, form authentication, performance caching, and more.

Frontend Masters

📒 Articles & Tutorials

So You Think You Know Box Shadows? — The author indulges his creative side with some fun experiments into what he calls “some of the worst possible things” you can do with box shadows on a DIV element, coupled with JavaScript.

David Gerrells

▶  Don’t Use JS for That: Moving Features to CSS and HTML — Packed with code and examples. Some techniques aren’t universally supported yet, but there’s a lot that the browser can offer that you don’t need to reimplement yourself, like color picking, modals, and animations.

Kilian Valkhof

How to Choose the Best Rendering Strategy for Your App — The differences between Static Site Generation (SSG), Server-Side Rendering (SSR), Client-Side Rendering (CSR), Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR), and Partial Prerendering (PPR).

Alice Alexandra Moore (Vercel)

A Practical Guide to Not Blocking the Event Loop — A look at the core principles of synchronous and asynchronous work in a single-threaded environment, stressing the importance of non-blocking code for efficient event loop utilization.

Slava Knyazev

🛠 Code & Tools

Git Granary: A Personal Git LFS Server — A Deno-powered (but can run under Bun and Node) Git Large File Storage (LFS) server implementation written in TypeScript for self-hosted personal use cases.

David Bushell