Why use Redux in 2024?

July 17, 2024 By Mark Otto 0

What React Devs Need to Know About React Native — While React and React Native share many similarities, they’re pretty different under the hood. Here’s some of what you need to know to either make the transition, or at least be more informed on where React Native and Expo fit into the big picture.

Kadi Kraman (Expo)

▶  Why Use Redux Today? — The maintainer of the popular Redux state management library gave a talk at React Summit 2024 giving a thorough introduction to the history of Redux, how it grew, and the benefits it continues to provide. There are detailed slides if you’d prefer not to watch a video.

Mark Erikson

Level Up Your Next.js Skills — Join Scott Moss for this detailed video course on intermediate Next.js. Learn how to build production-ready apps by diving into concepts such as server actions, data fetching, protected routes, form authentication, performance caching, and more.

Frontend Masters

💡 Along similar lines, Incident․io has written about their experiences building a new on-call app with React Native and share their insights about Expo.

🎧 React Compiler: A Conversation with Sathya Gunasekaran and Joe Savona – Two key members of the React core team discuss the latest developments. PodRocket Podcast

📺 Re-Implementing React (TanStack) Query from Scratch – Get a deeper understanding in just 14 minutes. Philip Fabianek

📄 React Form Button – How to use a form button to trigger a server action in a Server Component without any form fields or form data. Robin Wieruch

📄 5 Important Principles About Hooks Worth Knowing Inna Sinicka

🛠  Code, Tools & Libraries